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Moving Portraits

Created by Carolyn Defrin with filmmaker, Winstan Whitter and Hammersmith locals: Sagal, Emma, Ben, James, Colin, Rayan, Howard, Mariana, Revell, Kate, Daniela, Ryszard, Shirley, Miku, Nick, Asia, Ron, Azelle, Clea, Daisy, Toni, Lucy, Agnes, Del, Elizabeth, Mila, Kune, Labake, Darren, Sara, Dylan, Abrahim and Melanie.


'Moving Portraits was made in response to Hammersmith United Charities' questions about what kinds of art they should or could fund.  Having examined the relationships artistic practice can have to the charity’s housing remit, and its wider understanding of local community needs, this final piece in a series called 'Moving' investigates how artistic practice can inform processes for funding art.


The thirty three participants, framed by their own artworks, or artworks they have chosen to place in their own homes, share an idea for a new artwork they would make or commission someone to make. Additionally, each portrait turns the question back on the viewer and asks: ‘What would you create?’ 


These portraits were shown around Hammersmith throughout summer 2018, including at Hammersmith United Charities' 400th anniversary party at St. Paul's Centre, in Ravenscourt Park as part of Unity Day and at Westfield London Shopping Centre.



In situ at Westfields Shopping Centre London, July-Sept 2018

The choice for a ‘moving’ portrait as opposed to a static one supports a resistance to fix communities. As the images faded in and out, starting and ending with a blank sheet of paper, each participant moves with their ideas, demonstrating that creative ideas come and go, and different artworks can be considered for different moments in time.

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